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Tellulah Darling

Tellulah Darling writes YA & New Adult romantic comedy because her first kiss sucked and she's compensating.

Sassy girls. Swoony boys. What could go wrong?

Storm - Brigid Kemmerer For those of you going in thinking this book is going to pick up where the last one left off, you're in for a bit of a shock. This isn't Michael's story. But perhaps you know that because you actually read the synopsis, which I, in my gimme now junkie fix, did not.So, it's Chris' story. The youngest brother. But it's still a great story and all the brothers feature prominently. The mythology unfolds even more and in a more tense way. My only sigh was that because this book skips several years after the first novella, we find out that so much tragedy has hit this family. It was a lot to absorb. And made me very sad. Okay, yes, the parents die but did Emily have to die too? Really? Fine. Must stop talking. Need next book.