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Tellulah Darling

Tellulah Darling writes YA & New Adult romantic comedy because her first kiss sucked and she's compensating.

Sassy girls. Swoony boys. What could go wrong?

Wish I'd connected more with Dreams

Dreams and Shadows - C. Robert Cargill

I'm trying to figure out why this book didn't rank higher than 3 stars for me. The premise of these two boys whose friendship in the fairy kingdom changes both their adult lives was great. The mythology is interesting and the writing is good. Despite all that, and really being sucked into it at times, there were other moments when I found myself flipping pages, not emotionally connected.


I think the parts that resonated most with me were Colby's and Ewan's lives, which really kicked up in the second half of the book. The "factual essays" on various creatures weren't of as much interest to me. I still think this book is worth the read, and I'm sure I'll continue to puzzle out which notes didn't work for me, since all the elements were there.