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Tellulah Darling

Tellulah Darling writes YA & New Adult romantic comedy because her first kiss sucked and she's compensating.

Sassy girls. Swoony boys. What could go wrong?

Endless Knight an endless read

Endless Knight  - Kresley Cole

What a slog. It's too bad because I really enjoyed book one in this series and have liked a lot of Kresley Cole adult novels over the years. But I found this one painful to get through. My experience was that rather than my understanding and interest in these characters and their world deepening, it was just more of the same. To make matters worse, the dreaded love triangle kicked in. I actually kept reading because I couldn't believe how that was all playing out. Suffice it to say, by the end of the book, I was done with the series. 

I have a mild curiosity on how this series ends, so if anyone wants to DM me and spoiler it, please do. But I'm not spending any more of my time on it.